The Ham Ninja, N1CLC,
names db for Outd
This directory contains The Ham Ninja's custom names file for Outd
This was created because the names.csv file that is available for Outd is outdated and does not receive new operators.
It's a simple file that contains a call sign and name. The names I've been adding are when I have a call in my log that does not exist in names.csv. When this happens, my logging program fills in the name (full name from QRZ) using the API to
If you have a list of calls with the name, you can send me an ADIF or csv file and I’ll add it.
How to
1. Click the gear icon and Settings, and select "Clear Names DB” near the bottom. (I did this
because the importer may skip existing records and some are wrong. . 2. Click the gear icon,
choose "Names CSV", and paste in the URL noted below with “File
Name:xxx-names.csv”. 3. Click on the little down
arrow looking thing to start the import. To
rollback to factory names.csv
Do step #1 then #3 above. Going back into the gear icon/names.csv menu you’ll see that the URL is reset to the default. If you find an issue, send email to Thanks |
File Name:
This file is a combination of a much larger
list, pulled from ON6ZQ
page , that contains multiple formats for logging
programs. It contains 69,912 calls but strangely missing some that I had.
He distributes all the data files in a zip format and this was taken from
the the 11/29/2020 release. I combined my file with this which added
about 1,500 names to his, bringing us to a combined count of 71,483 names.
Note: On import, Outd skipped 4 and said I still had 47
duplicates for some reason bringing the actual imported count to 71,433.
As always, let me know if you have any questions, issues, or
File Name:
Fixed a possible issue with the previous version that
contained extra "," so those commas have been removed.
New calls have been added in this release
The custom hamninja version contains 9496 records, whereas
the orig has 8514 records